• News
  • 22 July, 2011

When All Else Fails, Just Sue

Anyone else remember the lady that sued McDonalds because she spilled her coffee on herself? That is exactly how I feel about the recent slew of lawsuits.

It seems like everyday we see a new infringement suit from one company or another aimed at Android. As Eric Schmidt pointed out earlier about the most recent suit, “They are not responding with innovation, they’re responding with lawsuits.” Since these actions have become a little redundant in my opinion, I have strayed away from getting to involved.

The latest news on the sue happy front though was by Lodsys. They didn’t take aim at Android specifically, but at Angry Birds and Rovio. Claiming infringement against the companies Android and iPhone versions.

This is getting out of control, fast. But wait there is more! According to their filing, they are also aiming their sites at  Electronic Arts, Atari, Square Enix, and Take-Two Interactive. As if that small list wasn’t enough, there are a total of 37 companies that are apparently in violations.

It makes me wonder how much longer these companies and Android will last. I am seriously considering buying up a bunch of devices just to have them on hand. Not to mention get my hands on as many applications as I can before they all get sued and shut down.

If you want to read more on this story, visit FOOSPatents. They have it all laid out for you to read up on.

What I am more interested in is what you guys think of all these companies suing each other constantly? Will there ever be an end to it? Will Android survive the battles in the long run?

Source: FOOSPatents