
Wikileaks dump of Sony internal documents uncovers Sony Xperia Z4 images, pegs April-June launch

Whether you agree with Wikileaks‘ methodology or not, there is a whole heap of Sony‘s internal documentation floating around the Internet at the moment, which kind of made it easy to come across some new Sony Xperia Z4 images. The images appear to show the Xperia Z4, or “Sony Xperia Fourth Generation”, with metal construction and looking not unlike the Xperia Z3, however the fine print of one of the images says that the metal will be polished metal plating prepared by “anodizing technology”, which should give the Xperia Z4 a slightly different sheen to the Xperia Z3. Check out all the images below:

The other piece of notable information to come from the information dumped by Wikileaks is that a “Xperia flagship” is expected to be launched sometime between April and June 2015, which will undoubtedly be the Xperia Z4. It’s also worth nothing that this same time period should see the release of a new Xperia Z Tablet as well, presumably called the Xperia Z4 Tablet as previous naming conventions would suggest. We’ve heard rumours that April 20th is going to be the day that Sony announces the Xperia Z4, which matches with this new information, but we won’t have long to wait and see if that rumour is true.

Sony Xperia Z4 imagesWhat do you think about the Sony Xperia Z4 images? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Wikileaks via Phone Arena