
Wikitude Drive, A new way of navigation

You will find lot of apps in Android Market, some are just okay, and some apps are mind blowing. Wikitude Drive is one of the latter. If you just learned to drive a car, then this app is good for you. This is the first app in world that comes with a fully functional mobile AR navigation system with global coverage, and the good news is that it’s available for Android 1.6 and above. It is a light weight turn-by-turn navigation system that uses Augmented Reality.

Here’s how it works:

Wikitude Drive distinguishes itself from other navigation systems in two ways: First, due to the overlaying of the route onto the live video stream of the surroundings, the driver can easily recognize and follow the suggested route. Instead of looking at an abstract map you are looking at the real world. The navigation system leads the driver through unfamiliar territory in a natural, real and easy way.

Secondly, Wikitude Drive solves a key problem that all other navigation systems have. These systems require the driver to take his eyes off the road in order to look at the abstract navigation map. Just by looking at the map screen for one second when driving at 100 km/h (62 mph), the driver is actually “blind” for 28 meters (92 ft). Think about how much can happen in those precious meters. Since Wikitude Drive provides you with driving directions on top of the live video stream, you still see what is happening in front of you when looking at the display of your mobile AR navigation system.

Now that’s something cool. Wikitude Drive is still in beta but is scheduled to hit the Android Market next month.

Please check the video demo of the app:

Source: Wikitude