
When will the Nexus 6 be available in Australia? Not till after Christmas it seems…

When will the Nexus 6 be available in AustraliaBeing an Android fan living in Australia, more often than not, I feel quite left out by some of the wonders of Android that occur across the ocean. That’s not to say that Australia has it the worst – far from it – but there are times when you wonder if large companies have forgotten about us entirely. One of those times has been the release of the Nexus 6 and obviously this is being felt not only here but around the world, though it has us constantly asking: when will the Nexus 6 be available in Australia? After online retailer, Kogan, revised its shipping date of the Nexus 6 from December 5th to January 12th, we knew something was amiss, but we had to continue looking for any sign of anything concrete. We’d been told that the Nexus 6 was going to be available for pre-order before Christmas, but with just over two weeks to the festivities, it’s seeming like a pipe dream at best.

When will the Nexus 6 be available in AustraliaIn fact, one of the biggest clues appears to be coming from Google itself which has a promotion (above) running on the Australian Play Store which highlights three key Google products, the Nexus 9, the LG G Watch and the Chromecast. These three products can be ordered by December 17th to be delivered by Christmas Eve, which sounds like a pretty good deal, but if we’re reading this right, if the Nexus 6 were to be available at any point between now and Christmas, this promotion would be a very good time to announce it. Perhaps I’m reading too far into it, but I’ve almost lost all hope of the Nexus 6 being available in Australia before the New Year, let alone able to pre-order, and if you’re in a country in a similar situation, you probably shouldn’t get your hopes up either.

What do you think about the availability of the Nexus 6 in countries outside of the U.S. and U.K.? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Google Play