
Will the Nexus bring with it a Phone/Tablet Hybrid?

Very early this morning we saw a quick teaser video released by Samsung for their up coming CTIA event next week. In that video we saw the marriage of various items that when separate are great but when combined are better. When Phandroid reader John Millan saw this clever little video he sat down and started to think. His thoughts then turned into a great idea that has now become a great rumor.

After analyzing the video he came to the conclusion that it is entirely possible that Samsung has a pretty big trick up their sleeve. If you look closely at the image that was flashed of the Nexus in the video, you can see there is a power button and along with some docking hardware. John surmised that the combination of that, the ‘something BIG is coming’ statement and that thin curved blue line could mean than what you think. The Thin blue glowing line isn’t just there to add a dynamic effect to the video, it actually represents a tablet.

Wait, what did he just say, a tablet? If you think about it and look at the image that was enhanced, you can clearly see the blue glow looks a lot more like a screen overlaid on top of the device not just media effect. The hope and dream of this rumor is that Samsung has created a tablet that would house just enough internal working, an extra battery to power the screen and a docking station for the Nexus. Allowing you to ‘plug’ your device right into the tablet. Literally transforming your device from a phone to a tablet with out the purchase of a separate device.

Talk about the coolest idea ever. Could you imagine being able to toss you phone into a 7″ or 10″ tablet? Having the best of both worlds at a fraction of the cost? Essentially you would be getting an external display for your Nexus to use when ever you need more real estate.

Is this concept or rumor even worth wondering? Kind of. We know that Ice Cream Sandwich is launching with the Nexus. That OS is designed to bridge the gap between the phones and tablets. Having a cheaper ‘tablet’ accessory at your disposal could kill the competition. You would already have the phone and a tablet dock wouldn’t need to cost a whole lot since you device would be the brain pushing the image to your screen. It would be the perfect match.

There would have to be someway internally for the device and the OS to essentially switch modes when docked though. More screen space makes a person want to use larger widgets and enjoy a different layout. I could see how that might be a conflict for some.

Is this potential idea pure speculation? You betcha. That doesn’t mean it isn’t an interesting idea that we have never seen before. If Samsung and Google have done exactly what John thinks they have done, then the Nexus Prime, or what ever it will finally be called, will truly be the next step in Androids evolution.

What are you thoughts on this? Would this tablet/phone marriage be exactly what the world needs to adopt Android? If this comes out to be true, will you rob your kids piggy bank to snag up one of these devices? I just might.

Source: PhandroidÂ