
Will the Samsung Transform Lead Next-Gen Devices?

It looks like Sprint is ready to roll out another device  from Samsung as,  called the Transform. The only specs out on this device that we know of is that it packs WiFi 802.11 b/g/n. As you can see above,  it looks a lot like the Epic 4G. Maybe the only difference is this one might not pack a qwerty keyboard, then again if we go by Sprint’s latest track record, this may well be another great device in the making!

Sprint and Samsung both have enjoyed a very nice summer with some great additions to the smartphone market. With Samsung being the first manufacturer to have a particular phone with slight variations on all 4 major U.S. carriers at the same time, and Sprint selling the Evo and Epic like IHOP turns out pancakes, there is reason to believe the Transform just might be the beginning of the next-gen devices.

Let’s not forget Samsung announced on September 7, 2010 its new 1GHz ARM® CORTEXâ„¢ A9-based dual-core application processor codenamed Orion which supports 1080p full HD resolution. Samsung has also stated that this will be made available to select customers in the fourth quarter and is scheduled for mass production in the first half of 2011. It is also widely speculated that the Orion will be sitting alongside the next gen of GPU’s, and that very well could mean the SGX Series5XT could be onboard.

With all that being said, none of us has any idea if this Samsung Transform will have any of the aforementioned attached to it. What we do know is that the Orion is coming sometime, somewhere, we just don’t know exactly when.  In the meantime all we can do is speculate, hope, and wait patiently for official announcements from those responsible for bringing us such glorious devices.

Source: Engadget