• News
  • 15 December, 2011

Will your GSM Galaxy Nexus be updated by Google? Maybe Not

When many of us think about a Nexus device, we think about the timely updates by Google. Since the Nexus brand is a true Google experience. Anyone that has a Nexus One or Nexus S know the joys of not only having an unlocked device, but seeing updates before most everyone else does. It is what makes a Nexus a Nexus. Take away the update stature from the device and then it is just another Android phone that will rely solely on the carrier or manufacturer.

Before all those newly purchased Verizon Galaxy Nexus owners run back to the store and return their device, let’s be clear. The Verizon Nexus will be updated by Google and not Samsung or Verizon. You are safe. The ones that are GSM based (use SIM Cards) might not make the grade in Google’s system.

The issue that has been arising came about after Google released the 4.0.1 update. Many current Galaxy Nexus owners were thrilled to see an update already. Those that tried to flash the software update were met with errors and failed installs. Some people re-downloaded the zip and tried again and still failed. The issue isn’t a bad update file. The problem lies in the device it’s self.

Some of the GSM devices that have been shipping all over the world are carrying region specific Samsung Firmware. Not all models sport the same information in their build.prop files that control the install. All Galaxy Nexus device have the same hardware code of manguro, but there are currently 4 variants of software code that has been identified, yakjuxw, yajusc, yakjukr and yakjuux. Those software codes are the deciding factor on if you will receive updates directly from Google or not, in the case of the four mention, you will not.

There is a workaround that the community has come up with though. Many users have successfully flashed yakju software to their devices which then allows for Google updates. At least it auto prompted for installing the 4.0.1 OTA. They are hoping that it also allows for all future updates as well.

While this will definitely affect many GNex owners around the world, the Verizon version won’t have any issues at all. On the other hand, a huge majority of the people who purchase a GNex are not so interested in updated from Google. They buy the phone for the pure Google experience and openness of the device. Bringing custom ROMs and mods the ultimately make the device even better than it started out being.

Feel free to do a little more research if you are troubled by this information. You can take a closer look at the various unique builds over at XDA.

Source: XDA via AndroidandMe