• News
  • 9 December, 2013

Winners Of The Kit Kat Nexus 7 Promotion In India Given 2012 Models Instead Of 2013 Models

kit kat nexus 7 promotionI’m sure we all remember the Kit Kat Nexus 7 promotion that was used to kick off the hype for the eventual launch of the Nexus 5 and Android 4.4 KitKat, and I know that many of us bought embarrassing numbers of KitKats in the hope of winning a 2013 Nexus 7 (I only bought 2… per day…). Some of you may have been lucky enough to win said Google tablet, however, winners of the competition in India are kicking up a stink because instead of being sent the 2013 Nexus 7 by KitKat India, they were sent the original, 2012 Nexus 7. Scandal! Below are photos taken of the letter accompanying their “prize”, as taken by an incensed winner:

On a more serious note, there are two sides to the coin. The first side is that winners of the KitKat promotion were promised a 2013 Nexus 7; this much was plastered all over the website, and the fact that KitKat India made no effort to apologize that their advertised prize was in fact an older model is probably the biggest issue here. Instead of coming clean and being transparent, KitKat India went so far as to put this message up on their Twitter account:

But judging by some of the replies to the tweet (which are absolutely correct in most cases), this has only lost KitKat India even more credibility. The other side of the coin, of course, is that these people are winning something for free (well, for the cost of a KitKat technically). It’s not often you win something of pretty significant monetary value and I’d say most people would still be ok with it. Hell, if they don’t want it, I’ll take it.

What do you think of this whole ordeal? Would you be happy if you had won but didn’t receive the 2013 Nexus 7 as advertised and instead got the older Nexus 7? Let us know what your 2 cents is.

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Source: Twitter, Android Police