
Wirefly throws down a 3 round battle between Android and iPhone

We all know that the fan boys of both sides are able to tear apart any video that compares any Android device to iPhone. No matter the OS version, the device or whatever. As soon as something about the two is out on either side, game is on. So when we saw that Wirefly put together a battle between the two OSes, we had to take a look. Mostly because we knew that they would do their best to be impartial. They run through just a few small aspects of both sides of the coin. They touch on Design, Operating System and App Stores. They do a pretty good job on touching on a few of the differences. Take a look.

Not too shabby. It isn’t a bashing video, but it isn’t perfect. You can only dig in so deep in 13 minutes. Both sides have good arguments, pros, cons and fans. The battles between both will never end as long as they both exist. It gives consumers options and choices. That is what it is all about. While we are an Android based site we can still respect Apple, their iPhone and their approach. Doesn’t mean we always agree with them.

Based solely on the video and and taking away any set feelings or thoughts towards either side of the coin, what do you think? Can there be a respectful conversation had about the two with out name calling and swearing? We hope so. If I knew nothing about smartphones, Android or Apple I can easily see the benefit of Android over iOS in the video. It is the little things. I must say though, I do kind of like how the Apple App store previews apps, but it is a little sense like and would making searching for random things a little harder.