
WordPress 1.3.5 for Android

Let’s talk about blogging. Everybody and their grandmother does it. Whether you’re talking about organizing your local mullet fan-club or setting up your fantasy football team site, blogs have come a long way and are a breeze to set up, especially with free, open-source software like WordPress. WordPress is one of the most popular blogging tools on the web today, especially with its recent update to version 3.0, where just about anyone can set up a professional-looking background for your website.

But what to do if you’re away from your computer and need to make some updates to your site? This is where the WordPress app from Automattic, Inc comes in. It is through this app that you will be able to:

  • View blog stats right from your phone
  • Moderate multiple comments at once
  • Format text with the visual editor
  • Better video editing and resizing

Definitely check it out. I tested it out on a WordPress site and it worked like a champ, both on Google-hosted blogs and on WordPress blogs hosted on my own server. Two more reasons: free download and 4 out 5 stars. If you want the WordPress App, you can download it on your Android device by clicking HERE, or scan the QR code.