
Would you want an Android-powered BlackBerry smartphone if it had these specs?

Qualcomm Snapdragon 808. 3GB RAM. 5.4-inch Quad HD display. 18MP rear camera. I could easily be describing an upcoming Android flagship device, and in some ways I am, but the interesting thing about this particular device is that it’s rumoured to be a Android-powered BlackBerry smartphone. We first heard this rumour only a week ago, and we’ve now been treated to what could be this BlackBerry’s specification list. According to the rumour, this Android-powered Android device is codenamed “Venice” at BlackBerry, and although its spec list looks very Android (and actually pretty impressive), its hardware - which allegedly incorporates a sliding keyboard – screams BlackBerry.

In a lot of ways, an Android-powered BlackBerry device makes a lot of sense for BlackBerry – after all, if you can’t beat them, join them. BlackBerry still has a formidable corporate business presence, and even if they opted for a forked version of Android with all their own furnishings, it could signal a revival for the once great mobile company. We’ll have to see whether that pans out, and whether these rumours are true at all.

What do you think about an Android-powered BlackBerry smartphone? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: N4BB via BGR