
WSJ: 5.9-inch Nexus 6 “Shamu” will launch this month

Nexus 6If there was even any shred of doubt that Google was going to release a 5.9-inch beast of a Nexus device, I’m pretty sure you can now put it to rest. According to the Wall Street Journal and its three anonymous sources, Google is indeed going to release a Motorola manufactured 5.9-inch phablet, referred to by names like Nexus 6, Nexus X or Shamu, and could do so as soon as this month. Previous rumours have placed the release in early November but this latest news gives us more confidence that we might just be seeing the device before the end of the month.

WSJ also mentions that Google intends to release an operating system, what we know as Android L, at the same time as the Nexus 6, and that the phablet device is trying to capitalize on the 24% of the market that now uses phablets, though we’re a little dubious as to where that statistic came from. Still, for those who are phablet-inclined, the Nexus 6 represents an opportunity to jump on the stock Android train with Google’s most powerful smartphone yet with a Snapdragon 805 and 3GB under the hood.

What do you think about seeing the Nexus 6 by the end of October? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Wall Street Journal via Droid-life