
XDA Gets Exclusive Pictures of Android 2.3 and the Nexus S

The Thanksgiving turkey left a little present over at XDA this evening from an anonymous source with pictures of Android 2.3, codenamed Gingerbread, and of the elusive Nexus S that Eric Schmidt was rocking at the Web 2.0 Summit earlier this month.

While taking a look at some of the pictures you will notice that the Nexus S is a slim, curved device running Android 2.3 with the Linux kernel and a small yet unique UI redesign reported to be a part of the Android 2.3 update.

Along with the pictures, the anonymous tip XDA received also had some specs about the upcoming Nexus S:

  • ArmV7 CPU
  • Open GL ES Supported
  • ~328MB Ram
  • 1GB Internal Memory
  • 800×480 Screen Resolution
  • 4″ Screen Size
  • SuperAmoled2 – Possibly
  • 720P HD Video

Now, from what we can tell of the images and what we already know and suspect, 1) Mr.Blurrycam was the one taking the pictures, 2) Gingerbread is Android 2.3 and not 3.0, 3) this Nexus S runs on the T-Mobile network and Gingerbread and 4) the Nexus S might be arriving in the next couple of weeks with Andy Rubin speaking at the D: Dive Into Mobile event on December 6th.

Whether any of that is true, (except for the Mr.Blurrycam part, that’s kind of obvious) we don’t know yet, but believe me once we know, you’ll know.

To check out the rest of the purported images, click the source link below and let us know in the comments if you think these images are real or not.

Source: XDA-Developers