• News
  • 30 July, 2010

Xperia X10 Mini and X10 Mini Pro Fall Victim to Root

The Android hacker/development community over at XDA-Developers check two more devices off the “yet to be rooted” list as we welcome the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini and the X10 Mini Pro to the club. If you own these devices and would like to join in on the fun, you can head over to XDA and get your “root” on or you can follow the instructions below.

AndroidStory is not responsible for bricked devices. You are doing this at your own risk.

Download: exploid_x10mini.zip
– download and extract the archive…

You will need ADB from Android SDK and USB drivers for X10 mini (part of Sony Ericsson PC Companion).
Enable USB debugging on the phone in Settings>Applications>Development and connect the phone to PC via USB.
Add the Power management widget to your active widgets on the phone, so you can quickly trun off and on the wi-fi function.
From the command line (on windows it’s cmd.exe):
cd c:\exploid_x10mini (or another folder where you’ve extracted the files from exploid_x10mini.zip)
adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
adb push su /sdcard/su
adb push exploid /sqlite_stmt_journals/exploid
adb push busybox /sqlite_stmt_journals/busybox
adb shell
cd sqlite_stmt_journals
chmod 755 exploid
chmod 755 busybox

Immediately after the next command, you will need to disable and enable the wi-fi using the power widget on the phone:
then run:
enter password rootnow
prompt will change to # – now we have root
./busybox cp /sdcard/Superuser.apk /system/app/
./busybox cp /sdcard/su /system/bin/
./busybox cp busybox /system/bin/
chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
rm /system/bin/rootshell
– out of rootshell
exit – out of adb shell

When you run the abd shell again and issue su command, the Superuser.apk will run on the phone and will ask whether to allow root permissions…

Source: XDA

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