Anytime a new phone is released from any manufacturer, the first thing the community wants to know is root and bootloader unlocking. Especially with manufacturers like Motorola and carriers like Verizon and AT&T doing everything they can to make life difficult for us. That never stops the community from opening up a device, but it is often a hassle and sometimes a headache. With the
HTC EVO 4G LTE on the horizon from
Sprint, we are certain that many of you are wondering if all will be right in the world.
The answer to that timeless question is a resounding YES. When you snag your EVO 4G LTE and are ready to crack that puppy open, all you are going to need is the Android SDK and a few simple instructions from HTCDev.com, plus a few minutes of your day and a little patience. Hopefully this news will help put your mind at ease, I know it does mine.
Source: AndroidCentral