Seems as though ZCom Wireless, which claims to be one of Verizon’s largest re-sellers of branded devices in New York is less than pleased at recent actions by the company. The retailer is claiming that Verizon Wireless meddled in its business affairs in order to inflate pre-paid phone activation’s. ZCom is stating that VZW worked with sub-agents of retailers to allegedly activate cheap pre-pay phones for six months.  ZCom operates a total of 120 stores in NYC where approximately 90 are sub-leased. The lawsuit is pointing fingers at VZW who ran the scam with some of the sub-lessor stores. One such sub-lessor is turning the table on both ZCom and VZW claiming they both pressured the store into forcing pre-paid sales.
To add some more drama to the mix, ZCom is fight a suit of its own. This one brought on by VZW which will terminate ZCom’s license to sell Verizon products effective Jan 31st. Guess what that suit and license termination is brought on by?? ZCom engaging in pre-paid fraud. So now it is a matter of who said and what and some good old fashion he said she said.
Talk about a whole lot of trouble to get mixed up in. Have you ever heard the term, “Any press is good press.” I don’t think 3 weeks of bad press is all that helpful to Verizon. None of this will stop people from upgrades or activating service and it sure as heck won’t cripple Verizon in way shape or form.
Source: Cellular-News