
Zuckerberg Says Developer Taken by Google

Do you think the Facebook app for Android was lacking? Well so did Mark Zuckerberg. He says that in the beginning stages of development, the Android developer that was hired to make this extraordinary app was taken by Google. Zuckerberg’s response “yeah that was obnoxious.”

According to previous reports, it was said that Google was helping Facebook develop their app, but contrary to this report they did them a disservice by taking the developer who was working it. They have since worked out measures to use the code that was developed up to the point of the unfortunate event. The problem was the developer couldn’t be used to finish the work that was started. They have since hired a different developer, who has taken the app to another level.

What do you think, did the app get better, or is it still lacking?

Source EverythingWM, TechCrunch