
App Review: CauseWorld, Lets make a better world together.

It’s time to step up and put your Android phone to a good cause, of your choice, not someone else’s! Citi, Kraft Foods and P&G has donated nearly $500,000.00 in conjunction with CauseWorld, by Shopkick, to bring you the greatest application on Android yet. It was featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post and even ABC.

The idea is simple. Using your phone’s GPS while you are out and about in town, the application will tell you what stores or locations are part of the donation team. Once you are in range you can collect your Karma points. You get to take those Karma points and turn them into your cause for cash donations. Each Cause has a different Karma donation point level, so some of your favorite causes may need a little more work on your part. You can choose from causes including but not limited to: Offset carbon footprint, Prevent child abuse, Help fight cancer or help students in need. There are 23 causes available on the application. You can also request others to be added directly through the application via email. With the incorporation of Facebook to recruit your friends and share your achievements it’s easy to show off how great of a person you are!

There is also a promotion system after 100 karmas. I can’t vouch for what that does due to I’m still a beginner myself but have made a few donations. I have no doubt that you will all surpass me quickly. That’s a good thing though! I applaud you all!

The short of it all, If you have a good heart and wish you could do more but can’t right now. Knowing that the economy is still tanked and not being able to get that warm fuzzy feeling like when you donated in the past. Fear not. Here’s your chance to give a little help somewhere and all it costs is a few moments to download and remember to check it when you go to the store, which you already do anyways. Lets take the Android community beyond just the open source of its plat form and help where ever we can.

The Cons: At this point and time there is no way to know what your Karma points translate into as far as money is concerned. The suggestion has been made and I believe they will be adding that soon if possible.

Here’s the link to their home page

You can also check out the Video review below: