
CyanogenMod 10.1 Makes its Way onto the Galaxy S4


Steve Kondik of the CyanogenMod crew  just posted the screenshot that you see above from a Galaxy S4. He pokes fun at those pesky rumors about CM not supporting the Galaxy S4, by saying, “Definitely not supporting the S4.” That whole debacle on misinformation from certain sites (us being one) can now be officially laid to rest today.

Not much can be said about the screenshot. Android 4.2.2 is the build version, and is running the latest out of the CM oven. No radio signal, but that could mean anything. Probably just an early build. So you out guys there that just got a Galaxy S4, today was a good day for you. If you are on AT&T, the bootloader has been cracked. All of you users in a whole, you now officially have CM support. Get rid of that TouchWiz UI. Let us how much this excites you.

Source: G+ Page