
HTC Really Wants You to Buy an HTC One with New Trade-in Promotion


“One Phone, One Weekend, One Premium Upgrade.” That is the tagline used in this weekend’s promotion HTC is rolling out. They really want you to purchase an HTC One, and will offer up to $375 for some of the old phones.

Now do not get too excited. If you think you will get the $375 you better have an iPhone lying around. The iPhone 5 and 4S are on the top of the list as the money makers, and the Galaxy S III trails behind them at $130-$210. Still not a bad deal if you are looking to upgrade your Galaxy S III, and if you want to try a different phone experience this time around. This promotion will start today May 2nd, and continue through Sunday May 5th.

So take advantage of this if you want the latest in HTC flagship. Hit the HTC link below to head over to their page for more details. Let us know if you do.