
PopCap games goes iOS exclusive with Plants vs Zombies 2 Launch

Plants vz Zombies 2 Its about time PopCap Games
Plants vs. Zombies from PopCap games is a fun and interesting take on a tower style defense game. You use your various plants in your yard to defend your home from brain eating zombies. The original game hit the Amazon app store as an exclusive in May of 2011 and didn’t find its way to, the then Android Market, until the middle of December that same year. Another exclusive launch deal for the sequel, that took nearly two-years to launch, is in place for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Leaving Android users out in the cold a bit longer.

PopCap did announce last month that Plants vs Zombies 2 would be coming soon for iOS and Android. They have announced a date for the iOS launch as July 18th, a little over a month from now. How long that exclusive launch lasts is anybody’s guess. With EA owning PopCap Games, they should be pushing it out quickly to Android as well. After all, EA has had a rough go the last year in the gaming world on Android.

On another side note, they also mentioned in PvZ 2 a “vast majority of the game will be entirely free to play.” To put that in plain English, you should expect to find some more in app purchases for upgrades and items to make your game play a little more enjoyable and less frustrating.  It will also have dozens of new levels, new power-ups, supercharging plant food and new game mechanics. Judging by the trailer below, there will be some time travel involved. Nothing like traveling in time in a supped up RV.


We will be sure to keep our ears to the ground for when they plan to finally bring it to Android, even though we don’t expect it for a few more months.

Via AndroidCommunity

Source: PopCap GamesÂ