
Phonebloks: Modularize Your Smartphone

phonebloksImagine if you could change the parts on your smartphone like you could change the hardware on your PC. Phonebloks is an idea in that direction, allowing you to modularize i.e. have the option of changing, any part of your phone to suit what you require.

Need a bigger battery? Put a bigger battery in. Need more storage? Put more storage in. Dave Hakkens, the brain behind Phonebloks, has a video which visualizes his concept:

Not the most elegant design, essentially due to the need to be based on the size of a breadboard, but the idea is extremely attractive. Imagine being able to mix and match the pieces of your phone depending on whether it’s a work day or the weekend. The possibilities would be endless. And the idea that you could always upgrade your phone is almost priceless.

It would require some pretty involved collaboration with phone manufacturers and an OS that likely wouldn’t be Android, but that’s just speculating at this point. I know we’re definitely hoping this idea goes somewhere.

What do you think about Phonebloks? Let us know what your thoughts are down in the comments.

Source: YouTube via CNET Australia