
[RUMOUR] Lenovo Looking At Acquiring BlackBerry

lenovoLenovo is just all over the news these past few weeks; after being rumoured to be in talks with HTC for a potential acquisition, Lenovo is now reported to be joining the race to acquire BlackBerry. Along with other potential interested parties like Google, Samsung and Intel, Lenovo is currently perusing BlackBerry’s books to see if it will follow through with the acquisition.

While it’s clear that Lenovo is looking to absorb more smartphone technologies by considering these flailing companies, I personally feel that they are sending a mixed message to investors as it looks like they are lacking some unified vision; why else would you consider both an Android and a BlackBerry manufacturer within the same month? Whatever the real story is, it looks like it’s only a matter of time before Lenovo acquires a smaller smartphone company to add to its portfolio.

What do you think about this news about Lenovo? Should they go with BlackBerry or HTC? Let us know what you think.

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Source: Wall Street Journal via engadget