
I Wonder How The Reception Is In There: Cell Phone Building Spotted In China

cell phone buildingA bit off the beaten path, but interesting nonetheless. Apparently there is a current trend in China where quite a few cities have designed and constructed some very interesting ‘feature’ buildings, the latest of which was spotted in the city of Kumming in the Yunnan Province. As you can see in the photo above, the building is shaped like a mobile phone (a ‘feature’ building of a feature phone!) with appropriate artwork to match, right down to the keypad buttons and the screen of the phone which is also the window of an office.

Considering some of China is still probably still using feature phones (or ‘dumb’ phones), the building is still somewhat topical, although it does seem a bit dated to us. Personally, if I were to design a cell phone building, I probably would have based it on a more recent phone, like a HTC One or something sleek. What do you think would be a good phone to base a building on? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: CRI Online via Kotaku Australia