
Acer bringing first touch screen Chromebook for under $300

Acer C720p Touchscreen Chromebook
Acer keeps stepping up their game in the affordable Chromebook world. The last announcement brought us the C720-2848, which brought the price down slightly at the sacrifice of RAM. The next iteration of Chromebook greatness is the C720p.

The C720p with carry a 11.6-inch touchscreen with a resolution of 1366 x 768. It is toting a Celeron 2955U processor that is based on the Haswell microarchitecture. Again they push the RAM down to 2GBs of DDR3, but it does house a 32GB solid-state drive for internal storage and gives you 100GB of Google Drive for free for 2-years. Battery life is stated at 7.5 hours of use and all weighs just 1.35 kilograms, which works out about 2.9 pds for those of us that run on that system.

The new C720p touchscreen Chromebook is scheduled to go on sale in early December. It will be available through Amazon, Best Buy and Acer’s own online store for low price of $299. Those of you living in the U.S., Switzerland, Germany, U.K., France, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden and Finland will all have the opportunity to pick one up.

Anyone thinking about holding back a little and picking up a the C720p Chromebook for a holiday gift?

Via Acer US