
HTC to Jump into the Wearable Technology Game by the End of the Year


HTC needs to start taking that quiet brilliance they have and make it loud. That is simply because we haven’t really seen the brilliance they declare in their slogan they don’t really use anymore. After designing a phone that most tech sites deem as the best smartphone ever designed, they still couldn’t manage to make it sell as well as it could have. Instead, they threw $12 million at Robert Downey Jr. for an ad campaign that lasted about, what…2 or 3 months? Time for a change HTC; and HTC’s Cher Wang chimed in on those changes when interviewing with Bloomberg.

Cher Wang first talks about HTC diving into the wearable technology swimming pool, and how HTC has been considering smartwatches since 2011. “Many years ago we started looking at smartwatches and wearables, but we believe that we really have to solve the battery problems and the LCD light problems,” said Wang. “These are customer-centric problems.” That is the problem plaguing smartwatches, but it would be kind of great if HTC decided to just make a fancy designed watch that wasn’t full touchscreen. Challenge those designers who created the beauty of the HTC One and design a watch that not only nerd boys will where, but the general public.

HTC is very optimistic about 2014, and their marketing strategies are priority one. They are hoping for their first piece of wearable technology by Christmas time, so we will see if they accomplish that goal.

Source: The Verge