
KitKat Update to land for T-Mobile HTC One this week, AT&T Next Week

HTC and Jason Mackenzie have been doing a pretty good job of not only getting updates to the latest Android offering out, but also being open and honest about them. While they did miss their 90 targets, it has only been a few weeks off. That certainly beats a couple months off like we have seen in the past. A recommitment to keeping updates for various HTC devices transparent was made just the other day when they announced the new HTC Advantage program. In a recent set of Twitter conversations picked up by HTC Source, HTC’s Jason Mackenzie let the questioning users know when the should expect to see the much anticipated Android 4.4.2 update for the HTC One on T-Mobile and AT&T.

Android 4.4.2 KitKat update T-Mobile HTC One
As you see, Jason offers up no specific date. That is just fine as he states this week for T-Mobile and the last week of February for AT&T. We haven’t seen anyone with a T-Mobile HTC One saying they have the update yet, but it is only Wednesday. When the update does start to roll out though you can expect it to be rolled out in stages and take a few weeks for every owner to see it hit their device.

For T-Mobile users, we suggest you keep an eye on your notifications and keep your device charged up for when it does start going out. WHen we start caching wind of it, we will be sure to let you guys know.

Source: Jason Mackenzie Twitter via HTCSource