• Immersive Mode automatically provides full screen viewing
• Faster multi-tasking
• Print services for HP ePrint, Google Cloud Print and
other printers in the Google Play Store
• Multi-User Mode allows you to create user accounts and permissions
for others to set up and customize their apps, wallpaper and so on
• Delay in opening S-Note file from Home screen widget fixed
• Tab bar in portrait mode flicker issue in Google Chrome fixed
• Fixed Google Account sign in error during Setup Wizard
• Fixed access limit for enforcing PIN or Pattern attempts when
unlocking the tablet
• Fixed issue where decryption password failure did not erase SD card
Like all staged roll outs, you may or may not see the update hit your device right away. you can head into the settings > about device > software update > check for new software update to see if it is there waiting for you right now. Before you do that though, make sure you have some time to kill on a solid Wi-Fi connection and over 50% battery life. nothing is worse than seeing the update but not being able to do anything about it right now.
Via Verizon G+ Page