
Motorola Europe promises Android 2.1 Upgrades For Motorola Dext and Milestone

2.0 for both
Over at Theunwired comes news of upgrade for Dext and Droid.

“Following Motorola’s earlier CES announcement to provide Android 2.1/Eclair upgrades for the Motorola Cliq and Motorola Backflip, Motorola Europe followed-up with a Facebook posting where the company confirmed that the Android 2.1/Eclair updates will also be available for the Motorola Dext and before the Motorola Milestone will get the 2.1 upgrade, it will even receive the Android 2.0.1 update, the Motorola Droid already received in the U.S: “Attention Android lovers. The 2.01 update is on its way for all Milestone users. The Android 2.1 upgrade for Milestone is also on its way and will be ready in the next 2 months. We can confirm that Dext will get the Android 2.1 upgrade as well.”

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