• News
  • 10 September, 2014

Going pear-shaped: Samsung Belgium combats news about Apple with pear donation campaign

Samsung Belgium combats news about AppleIt’s good to know that at least some part of Samsung has a sense of humour (and a heart). In an interesting attempt to try and draw away massive attention Apple was generating earlier today (something about iPhones I hear), Samsung Belgium launched a campaign that says they will buy a pear for every tweet about apples that is made. No doubt this would result in a huge number of pears being purchased, but Samsung intends to hand out all purchased pears at the Brussels-North railway station.

Now you’re probably thinking, “this seems a lot like a very silly, expensive ploy for attention.” Well, as it turns out, the campaigns ulterior motive is to support Belgian pear growers who are in danger of losing 40% of their revenue due to the trade sanctions imposed by Russia. So as you can see, it’s actually quite a nice campaign and a nice way for Samsung to try and help out a little in a time when things are extremely unstable in that part of the world. I hope more companies will take Samsung Belgium’s lead and help out where they can in the countries affected.

What do you think about this #aPearForAnApple campaign by Samsung Belgium? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Samsung Belgium via Phone Arena