• News
  • 23 October, 2014

Bizarre: when in Japan, use a live rabbit as a phone case

live rabbit as a phone caseThere are some pretty weird things in our world, but this is definitely one of the more bemusing. The above image was apparently tweeted in Japan earlier this month and was retweeted over 37,000 times. As you can see, the person in the photo is using a live rabbit as a phone case, something which has now apparently become an internet meme and spawned a whole series of other photos of people emulating the same unusual feat. Why you would even do this is incredibly confusing, but using adorable rabbits was a nice touch regardless.

live rabbit as a phone case live rabbit as a phone case
Now, I know that rabbits have long ears that look like antennas, but I’m pretty sure they serve no practical purpose if you put your phone into their bellies. Amusement aside, this feat is actually pretty easy to do as a rabbit lying on their back will almost always obediently lie there without moving, something referred to as the “bunny trance” (though the jury is still out on whether you should be doing it to them all the time). Now excuse me while I try and find a rabbit for no apparent reason.

What do you think about this latest craze in Japan with using a live rabbit as a phone case? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Kotaku via Phone Arena