
Samsung Galaxy S5 Lollipop vs KitKat comparison: what was once old is now new

The Android 5.0 Lollipop update for the Samsung Galaxy S5 has been slowly rolling out around the world for a few weeks now, and it’s high time that we start seeing some comparisons between the outgoing Android KitKat software and the silky smooth Lollipop. Thanks to Phone Arena, we now have a Samsung Galaxy S5 Lollipop vs KitKat comparison, and we get to see a side-by-side comparison of just how much the new update has made a difference. Check out the video below:

As you can probably see, there’s actually quite a lot different between Lollipop and KitKat on the Galaxy S5, not least of all that all the menus are now much brighter compared to the black-dominated KitKat software. Of course, the new TouchWiz UI finds the time to include some Material Design animations, but keeps its colour scheme pretty similar to Samsung’s preferred colour palette. Interestingly, Samsung looks like it has gone to great efforts to overhaul the UI of many of its included apps like Messaging and Albums which you could almost mistake for one of Google’s core apps. And perhaps best of all, there doesn’t seem to be as much lag due to the heavy animations as previous TouchWiz UI’s have suffered from, but only time will tell if this stays this way.

What do you think about this Samsung Galaxy S5 Lollipop vs KitKat comparison? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Phone Arena