
Sony finally brings Theme Creator Beta to life allowing you to tailer 300+ assets to build your own themes

Sony has been working on a Theme Creator for quite some time. When word of it first came about I was pretty excited. Unfortunately the ability to build those Xperia themes was limited to specific theme partners. It wasn’t all bad, there we a number of first run themes that were pretty cool. However, none of them really fit my personal desires. That is changing as of today though as Sony has announced, and released, the Sony Theme Creator Beta app for all aspiring theme designers or those looking for a specific look for your device but can’t find it.

The Theme Creator Beta will allow you to alter over 300 assets such as the menu colors, wallpapers, icons, accent colors, navigation buttons and colors and plenty more. You can even preview your build as you are creating it to fine tune it before building the installable APK. Yes, once you get your theme how YOU want it, Theme Creator will let you build out the APK to be installed. Sony even includes a few Photoshop templates to help get you off the ground.

While the Theme Creator is geared towards designers and such, the average person with some moderate computer skills can feasibly hop in the creator and pump out something pretty great. To get started you will want to head over to Sony’s Theme Creator page and download installer.

Source: Sony Theme Creator Via Android Police