
Sony drops the price of the Sony Xperia Z5 family not 3 days after pre-orders started

Price cuts for devices aren’t uncommon on smartphones, but they usually happen many months into the device’s life cycle. For the Sony Xperia Z5 family, the price cuts have come just 3 days after pre-orders opened. The new prices for the three devices are as follows:

The price cuts for the Z5 Compact and Z5 Premium are pretty substantial, but if you’re thinking that the £50 cut on the Xperia Z5 isn’t bad, remember that Sony is estimated to be losing about $26 per phone before the Xperia Z5 family was released, so it can’t be good that they’re discounting the phones already.

Sony Xperia Z5 familyWe’re assuming the cuts have been prompted by an unexpectedly low number of pre-orders for the Xperia Z5 family, which is kind of sad given that the new camera on all the smartphones is pretty cool, but unsurprising given how far Sony‘s star has fallen of late. It’s also pretty tough for early adopters who jumped on the device as soon as it went live, only for the price to be cut literally days later.

What do you think about Sony cutting prices for the Sony Xperia Z5 family days after pre-orders were opened? Let us know your thoughts in the coments below.

Source: Sony Mobile Shop via Phandroid