News about the OnePlus X has been circulating quite a lot lately and it appears that OnePlus is ready to unveil the device come October 29th. Posting an image on its OnePlus India Facebook page, the giant “X” light installation in the photo can only be referring to the OnePlus X which is said to be a device that favours its design over specs. We’re interested to know where the device is going to be made available and how much it’s going to cost, though early indications suggest it will be around the $249 USD mark.
Based on previous rumours and leaks, the OnePlus X should be a 5-inch device with a 1080p display, powered either by an octa-core MediaTek processor or Snapdragon 801 (which powered the OnePlus One). A 13MP camera on the back, 8MP front camera, 3GB RAM and 2,450mAh battery make up the rumoured spec list. If the tiny battery is anything to go by, the OnePlus XÂ isn’t looking like a device for the hardcore Android fans as the OnePlus 2/OnePlus One were – we’ll see how OnePlus presents the device come October 29th.
What do you think about the OnePlus X? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Source: Facebook via Phone Arena