
Who’s Down is Google’s latest app to make meeting up easier

Google has recently announced (with surprisingly little fanfare) a new app called Who’s Down. As the name of the app might suggest, Who’s Down is kind of a simplified version of Doodle – when sent an invite, all you do if confirm whether you’re down or not, and everything else goes from there. There is chat functionality in the app to facilitate things that require words, but it’s main function is to work out who’s coming to an event and who’s not.

However, if you want to download Who’s Down right now, it looks like the app is currently region locked, presumably to the US – all I know is I can’t get it in Australia, but let us know in the comments if you can download it. Once you have the app, you’ll still need an invite as Who’s Down is operating with an invite system for the time being. There’s no word on how long Who’s Down will stay in this locked down state, but presumably Google is trialling this app in the short term only – the Google Play Store page is currently titled “Who’s Down – Fall 2015” as if to suggest the app may change with the seasons. If you are lucky enough to fulfil all the above criteria, we’ve got the download link for you below:

What do you think about Who’s Down? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: engadget