
LinkedIn Android app finally fills position for ‘Material Design’

The LinkedIn Android app is pretty much a must for anyone who is serious about professional social networking, but the ageing interface hasn’t always made that easy. Thankfully, LinkedIn has updated their app according to the Material Design guidelines which should make plenty of people happy and generally make for a better user experience.

Gone is the grey bar at the top of the app – it’s been replaced by a blue bar that gives a bit more consistency to the app. The menus have also been reshuffled quite a lot, making it easier for users to make changes to their profile without needing to dig around in the app. While the update is live for some, it appears that it is rolling out in stages – you’ll need to keep an eye out for the update on the Play Store.

What do you think about the updated LinkedIn Android app? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Android Police