• News
  • 4 August, 2010

Is HTC Finally Catching Up with the Supply of the Droid Incredible?

HTC has been struggling to keep up with demand since the launch of the HTC Droid Incredible back in May. With the shipping date from Verizon always being pushed back, it looks like it may soon be over. The HTC Droid Incredible is now showing an Aug 6th shipping date, which is good news for those who have wanted this device, but do not want to wait. HTC has switched the display of the device from AMOLED from Samsung to SLCD displays because Samsung was using them for their own Galaxy S device.

With the HTC Doid Incredible receiving Android 2.2 soon, this device is far from dead and with the device showing backorder dates for so long, obviously consumers could care less and are still eager to get their hands on the Incredible. We can see that the recently launched Droid X is taking the Incredible’s place as far as backorder goes, but that doesn’t deter customers who want to experience the next generation of Droid.

Via: Verizon Wireless

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