• News
  • 21 September, 2010

T-Mobile USA Being Sued Over The Blocking Of Medicinal Marijuana Text Messages

It looks like US carrier T-Mobile will be heading into court on September 30th as they are being sued for allegedly blocking text messages sent from a medicinal marijuana website through EZ Texting. WeedMaps.com is one of the various affiliated companies that uses small companies like EZ Texting to manage text messages in order to pass information to their customers.

EZ Texting is saying that T-Mobile blocked the short code 313131 that was used by WeedMaps.com in order to provide the communication. For those curious parties, WeedMaps.com is basically:

“a community where medical marijuana patients connect with other patients in their geographic region to freely discuss and review local cannabis co-operatives, dispensaries, medical doctors and delivery services.”

While this is a legit 100% legal website, we’re sure that many of those users aren’t hanging out in there for the medicinal part. If you would like to take a look at the filing .pdf feel free to check it out here. T-mobile started blocking EZ Texting on September 10th who is suing for the following charges:

  • Unlawful Call Blocking
  • Tortuous Interference With Contractual Relations
  • Unlawful Discrimination – Telecommunications
  • Illegal Restraint of Trade
  • Declaratory Judgment
  • Injunctive Relief

EZ Texting CEO issued the following statement:

“We were told that T-Mobile didn’t approve of the Web site, which is totally legal,” said EZ Texting’s CEO. “But we feel this is illegal blocking and that consumers have the right to send and receive any text message of their choosing.” EZ Texting’s motion for early relief was denied and a court date of September 30th has been set. T-Mobile is calling the claims made by the lawsuit “meritless.

While the discussion looks to be aimed at carriers having too much control, we would like to ask you all what you think about this case. Do you feel that T-Mobile did the right thing, do you feel that EX Texting has their right to provide this service, or are you still looking at the picture above? Sound off in the comments.

Via: The Register