
Vlingo InCar Beta, Hands-Free Awesomeness Now Available

I just noticed an update to Vlingo in the Android Market that give us access to the Vlingo InCar beta previously only available to users of the Sprint network. The new update is now at version 2.0 and weighs in at around 3.38MB.

Anyone who reads my Simon Says articles will no doubt already know my feelings about in car safety and the Android OS.  It’s been lacking for a long time and various apps have tried to make it better but never really got there.  Vlingo has hit the nail on the head with their latest release and InCar beta.  Google, you’d better get your hands out of your pockets if you want to compete!

Fire up the InCar beta, say “Hey Vlingo” or any other wake up sentence you’d like to configure and Vlingo fires back a response asking you what you’d like to do. From here on, it’s simple voice interaction bliss as Vlingo confirms your commands and prompts for more information if it’s needed.  Vlingo will also read out your text messages and email as they arrive if you so desire.

Bingo…Hands free control of your phone, even while you’re driving.

I’ll be testing this update thoroughly over the next few days and will let you know how it goes.

For those of you who haven’t used Vlingo or want to see what it can do for you, check out the video below:

Download the Vlingo update form the Android Market using the QR Code below and then let us know how it goes for you!