You know, the love and support people have for Android is amazing, but the way they show that love and support is truly inspirational and can be downright creative if you ask me.
Take the Droidsans team from Thailand for example; they created the entertaining stop-motion video you see above. The video details the evolving eating styles of a young, green Android. Moving from Cupcake to Donut to Eclair to Froyo and finally to…….Apple? Wait, what?
Yes it’s true, the Android moves over to eat the apple, in which he takes a small bite, and promptly spits it out! The video is great; it shows the progression (what others might call fragmentation) of Android, it shows off a little of the Android vs. iOS battle, and it’s visually appealing. The only thing it’s missing, and something we are all waiting for, is the little Android’s progression to Gingerbread!