
Motorola CLIQ gets some AOSP Froyo and Gingerbread SDK Love

Motorola CLIQ

The Motorola CLIQ; once a great QWERTY-slider, but has now fallen behind in the midst of the ever-so-popular Droid family of phones, gets some love from Simply-Android forum members toxigenicpoem, with a Gingerbread SDK port, and sudo.adam with an AOSP Froyo ROM with working data/SMS/calls.

With the thousands of Android users out there stuck on a T-Mobile contract with their CLIQ’s, this should be a very welcome upgrade for them.

Now, while both of the ROMs still have quite a few bugs to be worked out, it is a great amount of progress for such an old device.

So, if you still have a Motorola CLIQ, make sure to hit up the source links below and check out sudo.adam’s FrigidCLIQ Froyo ROM, and toxigenicpoem’s GingerCLIQ.

Source(s): Simply-Android(FrigidCLIQ), Simply-Android(GingerCLIQ)