
Google Planning Gaming Hub for Android?

Online play revolutionized console game play, allowing for competition around the world with multiple people or just a bunch of your friends. From leader boards to forums to achieving feats of glory for the world to see. While console play is just as popular today as it was before, even more so online, our consoles aren’t what we carry us all the time. For most people their phone is the hub for everything. Wouldn’t it be nice to add the features you enjoy at home with the flexibility and power offered by today’s mobile devices?

It seems Google may be working on something for those who answered yes to that question. Google will be looking to add their own spin on social gaming for the Android platform. Which would allow users live interactions whether it be forums, game play, or checking stats online. The service could be compared to that of Xbox Live, allowing integrated messaging, game-specific forums, and achievements of sorts.

While we already have applications available that attempt to implement these things, however the new system would seek to fully integrate everything into the Android system. The initial details of the system were given to Pocket Gamer by one of their sources, who said the system is not expected to go live until late 2011 or early 2012.


Source: Pocket Now via Pocket Gamer