
HTC Thunderbolt Decimates Quadrant at 1.8GHz

With the release of the HTC Thunderbolt kernel source Monday night customizations were inevitable,  and the first one, as with most other phones, is overclocking. Of course overclocking is not general suggested as it puts a strain on the hardware in your device, it’s always ultimately up to the user and what they wish to use the device for. In this case, blowing up Quadrant was the choice. Overclocked to a whopping 1.8GHz, courtesy of @drod2169, the Thunderbolt tops out at 3047, which isn’t the highest number ever but still an impressive result. Of course with the help of custom ROMs and more integrations higher numbers are achievable, and with time I’m sure we’ll see scores higher than these. Considering the kernel code has been out about a day any development achieved so far shows the dedication Thunderbolt owners have to look forward to in future releases.

Source: Droid-Life