File this under “frivolous things to buy when I have a ton cash to burn”. The Ikan Wireless Kitchen Appliance. Think of it as a reverse checkout; instead of scanning things you’re buying now, you scan things you want to buy later.
With its Android guts, 7-inch touch screen, WiFi integration, and voice input capability, the device builds a shopping list from items you scan or input before disposing of them.  Once recorded, the items are sent to your mobile phone or directly to an online grocery retailer’s shopping cart, providing they support Ikan. Schedule your list to be sent to you on preset days so you can be ready to knock out your shopping on the way home from work. With the kitchen appliance, users can include their own branded retailer apps and view specials, recipes, promotions, and more from etc.
It’s neat, no doubt; but like I said, best left for those with plenty of dough to spare. I could see a potential usefulness for small business owners though.
You can read more about Ikan over at their site, I recommend doing so just to see the Ikan bounce around like the deranged cousin of the Pixar Lamp.
[Source AndroidGuys, Ikcan]