
[UPDATE] @googlenexus Twitter Account Keeps Me Refreshing My Timeline

Earlier this morning the official twitter account for the @googlenexus put out a small notice that gets the curiosity flowing. They stated “We have a surprise for you today. Stay tuned!”. Thats enough for me to keep refreshing my timeline so I don’t miss what is about to be announced. We all already know the Nexus S 4G is supposed to be released in the middle of May, so I doubt they would waste the time to put that out on twitter. Is it a new update? Is it a new partnership with another carrier? Who knows… Keep an eye on their twitter account and here, as soon as it hits, if its worth it, Ill update this post and let you know what their  surprise is.


VIA Twitter



Looks like some pretty good news just hit the twitterspere. Android 2.3.4 OTA’s to start rolling out over coming weeks to the Nexus One and the Nexus S. Bringing some bug fixes to the original Google device and giving the Nexus S some video chat love. Looks like thats not all that is up their sleeves though. Ill keep watching.