
Cool but Risky hardware mod for your T-Mobile myTouch 4G

Sometimes people do the weirdest things, and sometimes they turn out pretty cool.  I was contacted earlier by @Dustin_aka_D on twitter saying that he had a cool hardware mod for his T-Mobile myTouch 4G that he was working on.  He followed up by sending me this email:

This wasn’t a very hard mod to do, but I think the phone looks a million times better.  It started when I noticed a scratch on my back cover.  I started picking at it, thinking a industrial bare metal back might be kind of cool. A little more scratched off, and to my surprise it was a beautiful polished metal underneath the exact same shade as the bevel on the front. So little by little I would scrape more. It was taking a great deal of time, so I decided to try using the edge of a thin piece of metal I had laying around. I started slow because I was unsure if the polished metal would scratch, it didn’t. As I made better time now I was prepared for the t-mobile and htc branding to come off, they did not. They, like the dots appear to be etched into the metal underneath. So now I have a beautiful, polished metal back on my phone at no cost. Seeing as how it matches the bezel and the branding is etched in, it seems that this was the intended look at one point. Why would HTC and T-Mobile cover this beautiful metal with a frosted coating? I always thought that the back looked out of place. Was it for fingerprints? Was it an antenna issue? I haven’t noticed any ill effects yet, be advised it is a fingerprint magnet though. If you could please mention my twitter @Dustin_aka_D, I would appreciate it. Also, it’s not hard, but is time consuming and tedious. Hope you like…

Attached to the email where the following photos of his hardware mod:

So a big Thanks to Dustin_aka_D for sending this and be sure to let us know if you try this at home.