
Reoccurring Issue from the Support Forums – HTC Sensation Dust Problems

The HTC Sensation 4G is one amazing piece of hardware. Sporting a 1.2 GHz dual core Snapdragon processor, 4G speeds , Sense 3.0 and a 4.3″ screen. With specs like that, it is easy to see why it is so popular.

According to the support forums on though, it appears there is a reoccurring issue with bust slipping under the screen. I counted at least 6 people on the first 2 pages of the forums having the same issue. It seems to be popping up on other forums to, such as XDA. Here are a few comments from the T-Mobile forums.

Love my Sensation, but today while cleaning my screen I have noiticed a couple of white specs underneath the screen. Will T-Mobile give me an exchange? Is this just my phone, or do others have this problem as well?

I too have dust under the screen.  I am on my exchanged sensation and in a week, I already noticed a few dust particles.  I dont know what to do, exchange it again and more likely for the same problem?  I am really liking this phone.  I already contacted HTC about the problem..I think we should all contact HTC and tell them this needs to be fixed!

HTC and T-Mobile are of course handling this issue for customers with out hesitation. What I am curious to find out is how many of you have seen this issue arise? It would seem like a pretty simple thing to avoid during construction of the device and is not one I see arise very often on other devices.

Let us know if you had dust issues and if you went through T-Mobile or HTC for resolution.
