• News
  • 11 October, 2011

Skyfire Launches Rocket 2.0 Platform, Aims to cut carrier data Costs

It is no surprise to your or to me that a growing issue we Smartphone users face is primarily data related. Carriers are increasing data speeds but keep the caps on. With services like YouTube and Netflix hogging mass amounts of network bandwidth, many of us can only enjoy them via WiFi.

According to Cisco, video streaming is currently responsible for 52% of all mobile based data and expected to grow to 66% by 2013. I personally think that number might be too low. It is no surprise that carriers across the globe are always in a constant struggle to keep these services running fast and smooth for consumers. Even on 4G I have issues on occasion streaming videos and it can be frustrating when that is all I want to do. Skyfires latest innovation, Rocket optimizer 2.0, will help leverage the cloud and intelligence on carrier networks to deliver a 75% bandwidth savings to smartphones.

Skyfire’s carrier-grade solution is set apart by three fundamental qualities:

  • Higher Performance – Most powerful optimization, broadest coverage. Instant optimization of nearly any video format (over 90 percent of all video content is supported), as well as access to the market’s most powerful state-of-the-art toolkit for achieving an average of 60 percent data savings on video across all mobile devices.
  • Lower Cost – Better Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).  Easy to deploy, maintain, and scale for 4G data across a broad network, thanks to its sophisticated cloud-based architecture, which requires neither additional in-line proxy appliances for network traffic, nor device clients.
  • More Surgical Control – Precise network congestion awareness.  Rocket Optimizer allows an operator to apply highly-granular video policy for Quality of Experience (QoE), based on cell tower congestion, device type, subscriber profile and service plan. By being congestion-aware, this surgical approach means lower hardware and software costs, and the best user experience given existing capacity.

Skyfire is even taking this service so seriously that they have very boldly stated that they can bring in a savings to a carrier of over $100 Million in deferred capital expenditures and operating costs in the first year of deployment.

“Rocket 2.0 is the world’s most scalable video optimization solution for mobile operators struggling to deal with the explosion of mobile video and multimedia,” said Skyfire CEO Jeffrey Glueck. “Skyfire has put five years and $28M into researching, developing, and field testing our content optimization technology.  We are currently deploying in the network at a tier one wireless operator in North America, and selected for numerous trials across the US and Europe, so we are excited by the tremendous momentum.  The technology will deliver game-changing cost savings for beleaguered wireless operators, as well as better user experience on the network.”

Any type of new service or ability that can help unclog the networks, improve our streaming abilities and cut carrier costs to provide them is OK in my book. If Rocket 2.0 can gain the ground it should, it might just help bring back true unlimited data service plans along with lower data rates. Feel free to read the full press release about this new technology below –

Skyfire Launches its Rocket 2.0 Platform to Help Mobile Operators Deal With a Growing Data Tsunami


Skyfire continues expansion from consumer applications to a carrier-grade mobile video optimization platform, deploying in one of the largest operator networks in North America


MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (October 11, 2011) – Today Skyfire announces the launch of Skyfire Rocket Optimizer 2.0, the latest iteration of its powerful carrier-facing network video and data optimization platform. Full details about the new Rocket 2.0 offering can be found here: www.skyfire.com/en/for-operators

With mobile video demand expected to grow by 3,500 percent over the next three years, Rocket 2.0 aims to help carriers solve capacity issues linked to the rapid rise of mobile video streaming. Skyfire continues to build upon its 1.0 platform announced in May 2010, with the industry’s most powerful content optimization engine, offering the ability to add 25 percent more bandwidth to any congested cell tower or backhaul link — on the fly and in milliseconds.

According to Cisco, video currently takes up 52 percent of all mobile data and will grow to 66 percent by 2013. Operators across the world are struggling to keep up with demand while continuing to offer a high quality video streaming experiences. Rocket Optimizer 2.0 leverages the cloud and intelligence in the network to deliver bandwidth savings up to 75 percent on Smartphone video, and an average of 60 percent across all devices, while improving the user experience at times of network congestion, across smartphones, tablets and laptops.


Skyfire’s carrier-grade solution is set apart by three fundamental qualities:

  • Higher Performance – Most powerful optimization, broadest coverage. Instant optimization of nearly any video format (over 90 percent of all video content is supported), as well as access to the market’s most powerful state-of-the-art toolkit for achieving an average of 60 percent data savings on video across all mobile devices.
  • Lower Cost – Better Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).  Easy to deploy, maintain, and scale for 4G data across a broad network, thanks to its sophisticated cloud-based architecture, which requires neither additional in-line proxy appliances for network traffic, nor device clients.
  • More Surgical Control – Precise network congestion awareness.  Rocket Optimizer allows an operator to apply highly-granular video policy for Quality of Experience (QoE), based on cell tower congestion, device type, subscriber profile and service plan. By being congestion-aware, this surgical approach means lower hardware and software costs, and the best user experience given existing capacity.


Skyfire Rocket 2.0 also offers a number of substantial enhancements on its previous iteration. It is optimized to work with 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) as well as 3G networks and is primed for operators with wide-ranging subscriber bases – anywhere from 2 million to 100+ million users. Rocket 2.0 also offers the broadest support for video formats, including the world’s first instant MP4 optimization (which comprises more than 60 percent of today’s mobile video). Finally, improved optimization allows for an average bandwidth savings of 60 percent per video while still preserving seek and pause integrity for the user.

For a typical tier one wireless network, Skyfire can bring savings of over $100 million in deferred capital expenditure and operating costs in the first year of deployment alone, with a payback ROI in just months.

“Rocket 2.0 is the world’s most scalable video optimization solution for mobile operators struggling to deal with the explosion of mobile video and multimedia,” said Skyfire CEO Jeffrey Glueck. “Skyfire has put five years and $28M into researching, developing, and field testing our content optimization technology.  We are currently deploying in the network at a tier one wireless operator in North America, and selected for numerous trials across the US and Europe, so we are excited by the tremendous momentum.  The technology will deliver game-changing cost savings for beleaguered wireless operators, as well as better user experience on the network.”

In conjunction with the launch of Rocket 2.0, Skyfire is also unveiling its revamped website, www.skyfire.com, with up-to-date product information and technical background (such as whitepapers and briefing reports) on its carrier-grade offerings.

For more information on Skyfire Rocket Optimizer, visit: http://www.skyfire.com/en/for-operators/rocket-optimizer

About Skyfire:

Skyfire is dedicated to leveraging the power of cloud computing to improve radically the mobile Internet experience for both Operators and Consumers. Skyfire’s solutions provide game-changing cost savings, better end-user experiences, and compelling incremental revenue opportunities. Skyfire was recently recognized as no. 4 on Light Reading’s 2011 Startups to Watch list; and by OnMobile as a Top 100 Private Company.

Skyfire has honed its technology through a variety of consumer apps, as both a laboratory and showcase for new capabilities. With over 9 million downloads to date, Skyfire’s mobile browser was named the no. 2 Android app of all time by TechCrunch and the no. 3 Android App of all time by Yahoo/Appolicious. Skyfire’s iPhone and iPad browsers each reached the no. 1 selling app rank shortly after launch in 2010 on the Apple App StoreTM as the first way for iOS users to access videos designed for the Adobe® Flash® Player.

Skyfire is based in Mountain View, Calif., in the heart of Silicon Valley, with backing from VCs Matrix Partners, Trinity Partners, and Lightspeed Venture Partners. For more information, visit www.skyfire.com, or follow Skyfire on Twitter at twitter.com/skyfire.