• News
  • 18 October, 2011

Source released for Motorola Droid Bionic

Yesterday Samsung let loose the Source for the T-Mobile Galaxy S II. Apparently another manufacturer did the same thing and it slipped out with out much notice. Motorola has released the source code for their Droid Bionic. Don’t start jumping up and down for joy just yet though. Even though they are attempting to stick to the OHA policy and release the source doesn’t mean they want to, nor does it mean they have unlocked the bootstrap either.  If memory serves me correctly, they are required by agreement to unlock that pesky bootstrap by the end of this year. At least on all newer devices. I don’t believe they have any obligation to unlock older models.

This might not mean much to the average community, but to the developing community this will make the work they are doing a little easier. They should be able to fully access that wicked little OMAP processor and crank the crap out of it. Lets see just how Bionic the device really is. Head over to the link below to snag the source if you are interested.

Motorola Droid Bionic Source Code

Source: Droid-Life